The struggle with climate change can be best understood if we can afford a few hours and some books. In this article, we attempt to bring you the best books about global warming and climate change. These books can not only help you understand the reality of the current environment but can also help you come out of your dream world. The dream world is one where people strive each day to live, considering the environment to be a constant force! But, as we know from our own lives, nothing is constant here. We grow up to grow down, and each phase of our lives has its own ups and downs.
Do you know what havoc is reeking outside your small little comfort zone? Most of us shrug our shoulders and believe they have no role to play.
Movies are also a good source, but movies can never depict data the way a book can. Most of us rely on data in today’s world, and maybe reading can change your life. With the hope that this list will serve you well, we bring you not the top 10 books on climate change, but the best seven in the slot. If you can make time for these, you might have taken the first step towards saving yourself and others.
7 best books about Global Warming
Here are these books and a brief introduction to them. We have arranged the books in the order they have been published. If you can read these seven books, life might begin to hold a very different meaning for you going forward.
1. Ocean of Life: The Fate of Man and the Sea: Callum Roberts: 30 April 2013
Roberts, a marine biologist, talks about and captures the challenges of different activities. Overfishing and other natural disasters impacting the sea around us—it is about 70% of the world we know rarely about. It is about the oceans, the disaster we are bringing to them, and the disaster that is bound to rebound upon us.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction!
It is a book that brings home years of research, and the narrator makes it so precise and concise that he presents arguments no human can deny.
What do you gain from reading this book?
- Accurate information about the ocean world and the challenges leading to global warming and climate change.
- You’d be able to fathom what not to do and what could save the Earth.
- Not only can you make a change, but you can also learn how governments, companies, and the big giants can contribute positively to it.
It is one of the best books on global warming and climate change that you can place your hands on.
2. Autumn Showers: Lata Vishwanath: 17 October 2017
Lata Vishwanath has done an amazing job with her book, Autumn Showers. The book is a century long journey and revolves around her grandfather’s visions as a farmer. The book carefully highlights the numerous challenges faced by farmers when farming today. The book elaborates on how her grandfather fought for the rights of the farmers and what vision he carried throughout.
If you know where global warming is hitting us the hardest, you’d know it’s our decreased soil fertility and inability to grow the right crops in the most natural ways. We have all resorted to biotechnologically manufactured food items, which are nothing but a modulated version of the original version people could afford to eat earlier.
If we are not eating the way we ate earlier, how are we going to live the way we lived earlier?
What does the book have in store for you?
- The book tells you more about the agricultural practices our previous generations cultivated and practiced.
- Set in the quaint village of Karnataka, you can see life in full bloom. Sometimes, we all miss the ways of “yesterday.” Often, while going through the narrative, you’d wonder if we live better today or if it was better yesterday. Have we solved our challenges, or have we created more challenges for ourselves while even attempting to solve a few? Is it not a merry-go-round where we create one while trying to solve another?
3. The Uninhabitable Earth: David Wallace-Wells: 19 February 2019
The Uninhabitable Earth talks of the changes that will come even if strict preventive measures are put in place.
Raised sea levels, extinctions, weather changes, disease outbreaks, fires, earthquakes, famines, volcanic eruptions, and floods!
Does it sound like something we are seeing around us?
Most of us usher children into our lives but fail to make Earth a habitable place.
Truly, do we care about our future generations when we crave children and force people to have them?
What does the book bring forth for you?
- It creates an inner guilt and fear, which is a must for people who are growing older today.
- The book, too, brings solutions that can work to stop the massive outrage.
How can you be a good parent if what you are leaving behind for your children is just ashes?
Read this amazing non-fiction book, which seems to bring forth the wrath of nature right at your doorstep.
It is one of the best books on global warming and climate change so far in terms of retelling the world what is coming and what we can be facing.
4. The Climate Solution: Mridula Ramesh: 31 May 2019
Mridula Ramesh, the founder of Sundaram Climate Institute, has one of the best books on global warming and climate change. Through the book, Mridula portrays some of the most potent questions about climate change;
- Why focusing on green sources will not provide a complete answer to climate change.
- What can households do to cope with the “Day Zero” water scenarios?
- How or why women are affected the most by climate change?
Why should you read the book?
The book impacts us in myriad ways, including its solutions and how our country and its people, from Assam to Rajasthan and from Punjab to Bengaluru, use ingenuous, ancient ways to prevent the excessive effects of climate change.
5. Net Zero: Dieter Helm: 3 September 2020
The reason this book must be read lies in its ability to focus on the carbon-intensive lifestyles we are living. It is one of the best books on global warming, and it tells us where we are faltering the most.
The book is a way to understand how, at an individual, local, regional, national, and global level, we need to solve this issue.
Why should we read Net Zero?
To understand how carbon footprints can be minimized and how much minimization will lead to what changes in the environment.
6. Under A White Sky, by Elizabeth Kolbert: February 2021
It is one of the best books on global warming and was brought together by Elizabeth Kolbert, a Pulitzer Prize winner. The book focuses on the new world we are trying to reap around us. To make the book, she talked to scientists who are vigorously trying to save the Earth and engineers who are turning carbon emissions into stones.
She mentions how, in Australia, scientists are trying to work on developing a super coral that can sustain the hot globe.
Why should you read the book?
Most of us alienate from the world and believe we have no role to play unless we meet people who inspire us to live on the edge.
We can all learn how many humans are trying to make a difference in this world based on how or in what way they want the world to be.
We see how many are trying to create a better world for their children where we sit and do nothing.
7. The Big Fix: 7 Practical Steps to Save Our Planet: Hal Harvey and Justin Gillis: 13 October 2022
While all other books talk of different, varied, and many fixes together, The Big Fix talks about seven practical steps we need to take towards a better life.
The duo talks big at a macro-change level. They discuss building better power plants, the kind of insulation every house would need, and such big topics.
Why should you read the book?
It works at a level where we commoners want to see a change. At a level where things would work, we would feel confident enough to put a foot ahead.
Climate change and global warming, even though they are nothing but our immediate or near-immediate reality, are on the verge of changing the way we were used to seeing life.
But very few of us have time to think about it outside of our small lives.
Take up any topic, for example, climate change in this case. If you can read just the top 10 books on climate change, maybe your inner realm will change to embrace what’s coming.
About the Author

Snehashree Mandal is a content creator by profession and a writer by passion. She is a writer and abstract artist besides being a content writer. She has published her works in several online magazines. She moved into full-time writing after spending a few years in the healthcare industry. A solivagant and an ardent animal lover, she regularly crafts interesting articles for her blog and her website.
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